Online Courses

Online Courses

GCU is dedicated to fostering innovative, contemporary, and impactful education through both online (and onsite – aspirational) modalities, ensuring the admission and graduation of qualified students.

Through online course offerings, GCU students can access all classes irrespective of their geographical location. GCU has established efficient and productive online platforms for student engagement in coursework. Discussion forums and live class functions are readily available. Faculties and students can communicate through one-on-one meetings, live class sessions, emails, and chats.

While online students may not benefit from the physical campus environment, they enjoy significant advantages by accessing resources, instruction, and degrees remotely, eliminating the need for travel to the onsite campus. GCU consistently invests in online tools to deliver top-quality classes to students worldwide.

Undergraduate Program:

Discover detailed information about our undergraduate schools here.

Graduate Program:

Explore comprehensive information about our graduate schools here.

Financial Aid:

We extend financial aid opportunities to international students. For further details, please refer to our resources here.

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