GCU’s “Mission Methods & Strategy” BA Class Reveals Exciting Insights into Biblical Basis and Purpose of World Mission

The Great Commission University's Bachelor of Arts class on "Mission Methods and Strategy" delivered by Dr. William Wagner delves into crucial topics ranging from creation and the role of man in God's plan to the calling of individuals by God and the central importance of Christ in missions.
Dr. Wagner's first lecture focused on the theological understanding of creation as depicted in Genesis 1:1. He emphasized the unique nature of humans as beings created in God's image, possessing a triune nature of body, soul, and spirit. The distinction between humans and animals was discussed, highlighting humanity's capacity for spiritual connection and free will.
The lecture also traced mankind's spiritual journey from the fall in Genesis to the call of Abraham, emphasizing the purpose of missions as restoring spiritual connection with God.
In the second session, Dr. Wagner explored God's call in the Old Testament through figures like Moses, Jeremiah, and Isaiah. He also delved into the contemporary relevance of divine calling, expressing concern over a perceived decline in individuals responding to vocational calls from God.
The lecture stressed the importance of discerning one's calling and the need for a deeper contemplative response to God's prompting, drawing from biblical examples such as Moses and Nehemiah.
The final session centered on the Great Commission as recorded in Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:13-18, and Acts 1:7-8. Dr. Wagner highlighted the mandate for the Church to make disciples of all nations, emphasizing the tripartite process of evangelism, baptism, and discipleship.
He also addressed challenges in modern missions, including the failure to grasp the full scope of discipleship and the imperative for the Church to actively engage in evangelism and teaching.
The lectures underscored the theological foundations of missions, the significance of individual calling, and the central role of Christ in the global mission of the Church.
Students participating in the recording expressed enthusiasm for the comprehensive approach to mission strategy and the practical insights gleaned from Dr. Wagner's teachings. The classes provided a robust theological framework and practical guidance for future mission endeavors, aligning with Great Commission University's commitment to equipping students for effective ministry in diverse contexts. 

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