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Program Introduction

GCU currently offers both Undergraduate and Graduate Programs. We are committed to ensuring that students in both programs excel in their future ministries and mission fields, advancing the Great Commission in all areas.


Bachelor of Arts in Theology (Major)
The Bachelor of Arts in Theology program offers four years of college-level training in critical and applied Biblical and theological studies. Students enrolled in this program will study Scripture in depth, including doctrinal and historical perspectives, and prepare to live out the Biblical calling of theological study with a theoretical and practical background in missions. The Bachelor of Arts in
Theology program also features core curriculums in general studies and professional studies, with opportunities to apply classroom learning in practical ministry environments.

Program Goals
In the context of GCU’s mission, completion of the Bachelor of Arts in Theology program will enable students to:

-Define and explain major theological themes of the Bible.
-Describe and evaluate the ways in which a problem in science, the arts, society, human services, economic life or technology intersects with theology and missions.
-Investigate a familiar but complex theological problem in Christian missions utilizing biblical concepts and values.
-Defend personal faith in Jesus Christ, drawing on Scriptural truth in light of competing ethical frameworks.

Graduation Requirements

The Bachelor of Arts in Theology students must fulfill the following Bachelor’s degree requirements for graduation:
Pass a total of 180 quarter hours: 48 units of bachelor’s core requirements and 60 units of bachelor’s core distribution, 48 quarter hours of theology major courses, 24 open electives. (Students are subject to the Bachelor of Arts in Theology degree requirements of the catalog of the year in which they entered.)
Maintain a 2.00 (C grade point average) in all GCU work.
Receive a passing mark for all Christian Service and Chapel requirements.
Satisfy all financial responsibilities to the university.

Time Limits
The Bachelor of Arts degree program usually is completed in four years of fulltime study, regardless of the first major chosen. All requirements for the degree must be completed within six years of the initial date of enrollment, except under extenuating circumstances. Students who have not completed the requirements within the six years period must apply to the Registrar’s Office
for a continuation for each year beyond this period, up to a maximum of eight years from the initial date of enrollment.


Master of Divinity

The Master of Divinity is Great Commission University flagship four-year program designed to prepare future ministers for real world church planting and specialized ministry in twenty-first-century Christian missions. This program provides students with core biblical and theological instruction, leadership training, as well as a range of the skills necessary to perform ministerial duties in church and various ministries in a global context.

Being the entrance qualification for ordained pastoral ministry, the Master of Divinity degree seeks to prepare and equip its students for a fruitful life in ministry. Distinguishing it from other programs GCU’s M.Div. program has created a format to integrate theological, biblical and, mission-critical practical work experiences. In order to train the future pastors and ministers in face of the dynamic world with specific ministry internship experience, GCU’s M.Div. student can also choose their concentrations.

Program Goals

In the context of GCU’s mission, completion of the Master of Divinity program will enable students to:

Grow in likeness to Christ.

-Develop biblically and theologically sound expository sermons within a historical context.

-Evaluate contemporary moral and social issues by applying Biblical and theological principles.

-Develop professional competencies, particularly in missions and church ministry.

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate with a Master of Divinity degree from GCU, the student must:

1. Pass a total of 136 quarter credits: 100 quarter credits Master of Divinity Core, 36 quarter credits in the chosen


2. Maintain a GPA of 3.0 (B average) or above in course work applicable to degree;

3. Receive a passing mark for all Christian Service and Chapel requirements;

4. Complete all degree requirements within the time limit, unless extenuating circumstances exist;

5. Satisfy all financial responsibilities of the university.

Students are subject to the Master of Divinity degree requirements of the catalog of the year in which they entered unless a change to

a more recent catalog year has been approved.

Time Limit

The Master of Divinity degree is normally fulfilled in four (4) years of study. Except under extenuating circumstances, all

requirements for the degree must be completed within six (6) years of the date of enrollment. Students who have not completed the

requirements within the six-year period must apply to the Registrar’s Office for an enrollment extension every term, up to a

maximum of seven (7) years from the date of enrollment-.

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