Financial Aid

Financial aid at Great Commission University begins with the commitment of the affiliated ministries to quality education. Gifts from the affiliated ministries and faithful individuals provide major funding for the financial assistance. Great Commission University financial aid serves as a tool to meet enrollment goals of the University and attract students who would contribute to His Kingdom and the diverse student population. The goal of the financial aid is to remove financial barriers to attendance in order to maintain access for qualified students.

The University does not yet offer scholarships from Federal or State Financial Aid Programs including Title IV at this time. However, various assistance programs are offered by the University and its affiliate ministries.

All aid granted is based on the availability of funds.

Application Process and Forms

The scholarship application forms are available on Populi. Updated financial aid information and application forms are made available at least 60 days prior to the deadline. Specific instructions and eligibility information are included on the page of the financial aid program on Populi. Please contact any application questions to the Financial Aid Office by email at Please contact the Financial Aid Office immediately upon any decision to cancel an application after it has been submitted.

Financial aid recipients are notified by email regarding award status at least 21 days prior to the payment deadline. All aid recipients are required to draft a personal “Thank You” letter addressed to the affiliated ministries or fund donors. Students and donors alike have greatly benefited from the fellowship and joy generated through this unique element of the Financial Aid Program.

Financial Aid Program recipients who register as full-time students and then withdraw to part-time hours, or withdraw from active enrollment, must relinquish all scholarship funds and bear responsibility for full payment of all tuition charges.

General Scholarship

General scholarships are available to students who meet the below criteria. This scholarship is awarded on a quarter basis.


Financial aid is distributed in the form of tuition scholarships and allowance varies. This scholarship is awarded on a quarter basis.


  • Students must be accepted into an GCU’s degree program according to admissions requirements.
  • Students must register a minimum following unit of the Fall, Winter and Spring quarter. (B.A. : 16 units, MDiv : 8 units)
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress
  • Students must be active members of a WOA church or ministry.
  • Students must demonstrate financial needs.


All inquiries regarding financial assistance should be made through the Financial Aid Office.

Office hours : 9:00am – 5:00pm, Mon-Fri

Phone: (260) 217-4712


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